Monday, March 31, 2008

Rainbow Connection

I have much more kid stuff to post from this weekend, but I had to at least get this up before we have to run to my brother's guitar recital. Life is so precious. Note the sounds of the red menace as the backing vocals. Ahhh, the sounds of peace.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Ben joke

Knock knock
who's there
Italian man
italian man who
Italian man on the chicken coop

Ben joke

What do you call an octupus with 800 legs?

An octu... well, actually I haven't come up with a punch line for that one yet!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Two jokes tonite

What do you call a duck with a beaver tail?

A platypus

What did the tot say to the parallelogram?

Nothing tots and parallelograms don't talk.

I am about to die laughing!!!!

New goals

I have struggled with several things this year. One of my close friends has passed away from Cancer. The second one of my life time. I thought that I was too young for this kind of thing. I have struggled with the fact that my oldest son will soon be "grown" and graduating high school. I have struggled with my beliefs and finding a church home that will stand behind what I believe. I have struggled with trying to get what is best for my autistic son at school, and at home. I have struggled with keeping my home clean and trying to make headway with all of the "junk" that we all seem to collect.

After trying to reflect on these things for the last couple of monthes, I have come to a conclusion. The problem is I don't have my goals set to the right standard. I now know what it is exactly that I want out of life......

I think that this may even be goal that the HUSBAND and I can achieve. Even if he doesn't get any more raises. (Assuming that the IN-LAWS don't mind us putting it on their property...)


How can you be in a bad mood when you get to look at this all day? The only way it gets better is if it look like this....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hams for the camera

I took a couple of pictures of the boys before school this morning. I really enjoyed seeing them ham it up. I am glad to say that the last month or so, it is beginning to look like they are building some kind of relationship again. They were at each other's throats for the last couple of years. I think that fact that Chris will be moving to middle school soon, and that they will only be in the same school for 2 years over the rest of their academic careers has something to play with that. I don't care what it takes, it is just good to see them together again. Even if it is fighting for the lime light...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ben joke #1

I have decided that these are too priceless to not share with the world.

Why did the chicken throw the clock out the window?

Because it was 2:30!

Update on new pet

Just for the record, after a long discussion on caterpiller names that would also be appropriate for a butterfly, one was finally picked in the bed tonight. In honor of the spawn of Satan... the name is.... Ozzy the Girl. Straight from Lucie to you! Good night all.

New pet?

Lucie is very excited because she has found this little guy in the foyer of our house today. She has spent weeks now telling me that she wants a pet caterpiller to see it become a butterfly. So far we have found out that he is a Abbott's Sphinx Caterpillar: Brown Morph. She is very excited to go on the internet and look for Daddy's worktop and identify the little thing. I guess technology has made for some good entertainment.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

If only life could be this simple all of the time...

It would be so nice if we all could just be this happy!

Friday, March 21, 2008

This just speaks for itself. I would like to add that the time was 10:30 am, and this is in the living room floor where the small children have been fighting....

Easter egg dying shin dig...

Turns out I was going to have a gillion folks dying eggs in my kitchen last night. I am cool with that, but I felt that perhaps we needed a few supplies to help ease the wait time for certain colors of dye, and such... I asked my beloved husband to stop and pick up some extra dye, and some eggs. Here is what he came home with...

Easter condoms anybody???

Lunch conversation

Our household has a game that is played that we affectionatly refer to as "Andrew Ball". Today this is something like the lunch conversation has been going...
Ben "I am going to shoot you."
Andrew "you can't"
Ben "Uh Huh." as he points his finger...
Andrew "It's not loaded..."
Ben points again
"You didn't turn the safety off."
Point, then "You missed"
"It must be locked up."
"You're shooting blanks"
"I'm wearing body armor."
Ben smiles and excitedly says... "Not on your head!"
On that note I just had to stick my two cents in... "No way that it would penetrate, he is way too hardheaded."

Thursday, March 20, 2008

spring break fun part duex...

Doesn't this look like a BLAST!!! A trip to the park and my son is just like bubbling with excitement! The worst part of the whole trip is afterwards... He has but one job to do in the house. He must take care of the trash. Today was trash day. My husband took it the to curb, and I guess you could say that he did a bit of "out sourcing" for the bringing them back from the curb...

Nancy the Terrorist Cat

Upon walking through my son, Ben's, room this morning, my oldest son found this disturbing sight. We have often joked that Nancy has a "pathological fear" of paper after watching the Winn Dixie movie so many times. However it appears that it is more than that. I think that she might actually be a trained terrorist trying to destroy the country by ingesting all money. This is ALL that is left of that poor $10 bill. It is a good thing that she got dropped of in the wrong spot and isn't in Bill Gates' house where she could do some serious damage....

Spring Break Fun

Ok, so I decide this morning to waste a little time this morning by letting the girls "magic paint". I drew Easter eggs on some paper with a white crayon so that the eggs magically appear when you paint over them.So I leave them for literally 2 minutes to take the opportunity to look online for a couple of minutes, check my email. There is giggling and I walk in to see the watercolors all black..."What are you doing?" "Magic painting." Lucie states matter of factly.I tell her that the black Easter eggs aren't exactly working for me...Those big innocent eyes look up to me, and she says, "So we aren't supposed to make a potion???"