Thursday, November 6, 2008

I am sick of tolerance

I have decided that I am sick of watching what the homosexual minority is doing to us as people. My children are being taught that "there are all kinds of families". This is the stand point of any decent non prejudiced person out there. You know what? Homosexuality is wrong, and that is not being prejudiced. My husband pointed out the other night that while we watched all of the obvious homosexuals hugging and celebrating Obama being elected that they can't reproduce at least. But the problem is that we have too many people that don't take care of their children and now homosexual partners are adopting. Even if that wasn't the case, then we would just have to live with the fact that our children are being taught every day, by the way the world is, that it is perfectly normal and acceptable to be homosexual. This makes me furious!!! This is just another time that the minority is changing what the majority thinks. No one is smart enough to see what corruption our world is turning into. And if they do see it, they are afraid to do anything about it.
Rant over for the moment.

1 comment:


Go Jennifer! I agree. It's ridiculous and I'm sick of people that are "luke warm" to every stance that requires a backbone for people to stand up for what is right.