The new puppy arrived home last night after an exhaustive day at the air show with the kiddos.
We are all so excited, I don't know if I might be more excited than the girls even...
She slept in Sato's crate last night since she was too tiny to sleep in anything bigger. He laid in front of the crate twitching his tail for the longest after we got him to get out. I know, only Ben would have a cat with an identity crisis so bad that he wants to "kennel up". The night was peaceful with little crying and two trips out to the potty. We actually woke up for an hour before she was ready to wake up.
In Lucie's happy tradition, we have decided to put up the final names that have been selected for a vote. If no one votes, then I have the say. The first 4 are Japanese names. Akiko means Autumn child. Kioko means adored one. Kumiko means companion child. Keeki means cake. That one is because Sadie kept saying that she wanted to name the puppy strawberry cupcake, so we shortened it. Jordan was what Sadie was calling the puppy this morning when we woke up. Ben wanted Cleopatra, which I don't want because my sister has a cat named Cleo. Chris suggested Ping Pong. I have since wished that I had put Pumpkin on there. We had also tossed around Wednesday, Morticia, and Elvira since it is almost Halloween.
Thanks for any help, and let the voting begin!!!