Tuesday, August 25, 2009

School update...

Ben did all of his goals today on his own! He was finished before dinner, and had plenty of time to go out to swim with us and then play on the computer. I was sooo excited and proud of him. I can only hope that things continue to go so well!

Lucie told me that she doesn't miss me at all being gone all day. She said that she did think about me for a minute at lunch, but then she just forgot again! She says that she loves it. When we were in bed tonight, I told her that her cousin got on yellow at school yesterday, and she looked like she was going to cry. She said a prayer that it would never happen to her again. It was too cute.

I have finished all of the ridiculous paperwork that I have to do for Chris, and he is ready to get going. He realized that his English syllabus has a listing of all major papers for the year, and he was ready to get writing. He just wishes that they offered a Pre AP class for English. I told him that high school is just around the corner, and he will be able to do as much of that as he wants then.

Andrew goes to work tomorrow and I am so excited that I am about to explode!!! I hope that he enjoys his job. I think that Toys R Us would be a great place to work for a first job! I wouldn't mind working there myself.

Houston still has a job, and I guess I always will. Things are still good, knock on wood. I think that this is the best start to a school year that we have ever had. I wish that we could transition this easily each time!

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