Lucie did have to call her daddy today to tell him that he has to come home RIGHT AWAY to kill this bug that she saw in the cat food. I did get a little description of it. I guess I had better be calling the exterminator....
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Well, today was rather uneventful. A trip to the vet, a sick kiddo, and baskin robbins 31 cent night. We went, but the line was down the sidewalk around the building, so we left a donation for the firefighters and went to Braums for some ice cream instead.
We got a good report from the vet this morning. A little antibiotic for little Sato, and he is deworming him again. He said we could never over do it with the little girls in the house. Ben was a little disturbed when we went to check out because I told him that it would be around a hundred dollars, and he only charged us for the antibiotic so it was more like 35. He stood and started to argue that it was supposed to be 100, but I got it under control pretty quickly. He is starting to really show an annoyance with numbers being off, times and such too. I guess that it could be worse. We just find it funny.
We go to Our Children's House tommorrow morning for another eval for Occupational Therapy. He is really excited to see everyone again, and I look forward to having that other positive place back into his life. He loves it there, and has been missing everyone. Then we are going to an exciting lunch at McDonalds to meet with "Grandma", so the girls are excited over that.
Sorry, no good jokes tonight, and Darth Tater stole my good pic for today. I hope that everyone is well.
We got a good report from the vet this morning. A little antibiotic for little Sato, and he is deworming him again. He said we could never over do it with the little girls in the house. Ben was a little disturbed when we went to check out because I told him that it would be around a hundred dollars, and he only charged us for the antibiotic so it was more like 35. He stood and started to argue that it was supposed to be 100, but I got it under control pretty quickly. He is starting to really show an annoyance with numbers being off, times and such too. I guess that it could be worse. We just find it funny.
We go to Our Children's House tommorrow morning for another eval for Occupational Therapy. He is really excited to see everyone again, and I look forward to having that other positive place back into his life. He loves it there, and has been missing everyone. Then we are going to an exciting lunch at McDonalds to meet with "Grandma", so the girls are excited over that.
Sorry, no good jokes tonight, and Darth Tater stole my good pic for today. I hope that everyone is well.
Monday, April 28, 2008
prom night

Last night I was kept awake until 1:30 am by the little "princess" that refused to go to bed. Tonight I am awake because I am excited about the addition of a new kitten baby to our family and because I am wondering where all of the years have gone. I just watched my oldest son (and his girlfriend of 3 years now) go off to the prom. What happened here? I thought that it was just last week that I went to the prom, and now I have a kid going. I remember days when he said, "Nandrew want burger cheese, Souson." I try every day to remember that I am going to miss each and every one of these precious moments that I have with the children. I will miss the joys and the screaming. I will wish for 3 people to be standing there telling on each other and trying to get the other guys into trouble. I wish that I could slow time down sometimes. It just seems like each week is a blur trying to get to the next one. Oh well, for your viewing pleasure, here is a photo of my handsome son. I don't say enough how proud I am of him. I spend alot of time telling him how he could do better on everything, but all I want is the best for him. I love you, Andrew.

boy with kitten
This is the first thing that Ben said when he got into the car after adopting Buttons today. I guess that you really have to know Ben to understand the way he talks, but if you do you will smile at that comment. I am happy to report that we didn't find one flea on our new baby, and she will be going to the vet tommorrow, so we will hope for a healthy report.

Friday, April 25, 2008
Picking a kitten
Ben has been involved with trying to get his dad to say that he can adopt a cat and save a life. We went to the shelter today and he narrowed it down to 5 selections...these two cuties, and

These three...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Answer according to the MAGIC eight ball....
For those who care, COLLEGEGIRL... I shook the mysterious magic eight ball, and this would be the answer....

Friday, April 18, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
So I just got the call from the school letting me know that they had recieved my letter, and they are in the process of witdrawing Ben. He had the same two library books past due that have been out since early March. I need to send them in along with his spelling book. I am so sad that I have a UTI going on and I don't physically feel like dancing, because what I want to do is just run through the house and sing "DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD" at the top of my lungs. I know that I will eventually forget how much I can't stand her because we have had a bad teacher before, but right now I just have to keep praying for forgiveness.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Home-School, The Final Frontier
What better way to celebrate TAX DAY 2008 then by opening your own private school in the state of Texas??? (By the way, a very happy birthday to my father-in-law also!)
In light of my most recent decision to withdraw my son, Ben, from his school, I have decided that today we should start developing names for my new "private school" that I am opening!
You may submit any suggestions (all two of you whom read this blog), and they will be considered. Once we come to a conclusion on a name, then we will be deciding on a t-shirt design since I have my own artist...
Some ideas that have come up already....
1. N.B.A. Elementary (No B*#%@! Allowed)
2. Academy of Respect Ben
3. St. Momma's School of Fun Stuff
4. Freedom Academy
5. Stika It Where the Sun Don't Shine Academy
6. Ben U
Yes, our ideas are pretty lame, so I guess that we need some suggestions. It is not every day that you actually get to name your own school... I think that Ben will help me work on that today... can you consider that educational at all???
In light of my most recent decision to withdraw my son, Ben, from his school, I have decided that today we should start developing names for my new "private school" that I am opening!
You may submit any suggestions (all two of you whom read this blog), and they will be considered. Once we come to a conclusion on a name, then we will be deciding on a t-shirt design since I have my own artist...
Some ideas that have come up already....
1. N.B.A. Elementary (No B*#%@! Allowed)
2. Academy of Respect Ben
3. St. Momma's School of Fun Stuff
4. Freedom Academy
5. Stika It Where the Sun Don't Shine Academy
6. Ben U
Yes, our ideas are pretty lame, so I guess that we need some suggestions. It is not every day that you actually get to name your own school... I think that Ben will help me work on that today... can you consider that educational at all???
Monday, April 14, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Let's come up with a caption
Houston had introduced a piece where you could vote for what Cali was saying in one of his blogs. From the same event I have taked a picture of someone that we shall call codename Mr. Turd. Let's have some fun COLLEGE GIRL...

What is Louis Tarmichael, uh.. I mean Mr. Turd saying to our dear friend Sue Young?
A. "I really like those earrings, I can see my reflection in them."
B. "I thought that I was never going to make it through your caterwauling so that I could eat!!!"
C. "Your music was pretty good, but SNAP this food is DA BOMB!!!"
D. "Nice spread here, but you may want to get some food out for the rest of the folks here."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
A new hope
For my sisters Sally, Katie, and Amy... I know that they would truly be the ones to appreciate this great performance.
Life lesson from Sadie...
Even though it can be great fun, and very entertaining.... It is probably not a good idea for you to sit in the corner and play with your pussy(cat) all day long....

I don't know exactly what this photo says to me. Either that Houston is a very dedicated griller, or that he needs to participate in Grillers Anonymous.

I just wanted to take a minute to point out that my son, Ben, has the best teacher EVER!!! I have spent the last 9 years raising Ben and boy! what time I have been wasting. If it hadn't been for this teacher I wouldn't have realized that my son is one of the best actors in the world. I didn't realize (not to mention the countless other professionals involved over the last 7 or so years) that my son is NOT autistic. You know what is wrong with him? He has a behaviour problem. So all of the the stims that we have dealt with over the years... acting. Oh! The time he was in the children's musical and he managed to do his part, and then the folks pulled me out of church to let me know that he is under the table and they can't get him to come out... acting.
I don't know why I haven't had him in movies for years now. I am sure that he was acting when he was 18 months old and I took him out to eat just to have him cry inconsolably and climb under the table and be so distraught that he couldn't even eat pizza. I could see why any child would want to go somewhere fun like say Six Flags and ACT like they are caught up watching a ride so much that they get left by their whole family including 2 grandparents. After all it is alot of fun to spend so much of your time in the movie or the amusement park zoning out or jumping up and down or with a "headache". We should all follow his lead.
Amazingly he has also been lying to me about what is going on at school. I am sure that he has been lying and making excuses for years too. I mean he does it so much to help me. Just like if I were to try to say that you do not look fat in that dress. Ben would interject with "Well, actually, you look morbidly obese." No little white lies to keep from hurting someone's feelings, but he can come up with extravagant lies to tell me. It is absolutely amazing!!! Never mind he can't just sit down and have imaginative play time. I am sure that he does that every time that I leave the room anyway. Because you know, he is really bright. So I think that I have it figured out now!!!
When Ben was born, he knew about autism. He knew that his lot in life was either to be a lying scam artist or an amazing actor. He decided, "Hey, if I don't let anyone hold me except Mom, and if I don't learn to walk or talk, or potty in a timely fashion, then I can start to make these doofuses think that I am autistic!" I bet that it would be a trip.
See what I mean??? If it wasn't for this teacher that we have had this year, then I would have gone through the rest of my life trying to help him cope with things that weren't even really there. I can't imagine what that would've been like!
I just have to close by saying that I feel so blessed to have had a teacher with 22 YEARS of teaching experience that could tell me the my son has been playing me the fool for the last 9 years. She knew this but 6 speech therapists, 7 pediatricians, a neurologist, 4 occupational therapists, 3 psychologists, countless parents of other Asperger Syndrome/ Autistic children, a HUGE family(some of which being pediatric nurses...), and we parents were just played the fool. WOW!!!
You know, I bet the rest of the parents fell for this is because all of their kids are just acting too. I bet that there really isn't an increase in the amount of children being born on the autistic spectrum. I bet that all that is going on is there in an increase of brilliant natural actors being born to populate the world.
On that note, I better go. I think that I maybe should contact the CDC and let them in on what is going on. I am sure that she won't mind if I pass along her name and contact info. I bet that she will be winning the Nobel Peace Prize this year! Wow! And just to think!!! Wow! What a BRILLIANT mind!!!
I don't know why I haven't had him in movies for years now. I am sure that he was acting when he was 18 months old and I took him out to eat just to have him cry inconsolably and climb under the table and be so distraught that he couldn't even eat pizza. I could see why any child would want to go somewhere fun like say Six Flags and ACT like they are caught up watching a ride so much that they get left by their whole family including 2 grandparents. After all it is alot of fun to spend so much of your time in the movie or the amusement park zoning out or jumping up and down or with a "headache". We should all follow his lead.
Amazingly he has also been lying to me about what is going on at school. I am sure that he has been lying and making excuses for years too. I mean he does it so much to help me. Just like if I were to try to say that you do not look fat in that dress. Ben would interject with "Well, actually, you look morbidly obese." No little white lies to keep from hurting someone's feelings, but he can come up with extravagant lies to tell me. It is absolutely amazing!!! Never mind he can't just sit down and have imaginative play time. I am sure that he does that every time that I leave the room anyway. Because you know, he is really bright. So I think that I have it figured out now!!!
When Ben was born, he knew about autism. He knew that his lot in life was either to be a lying scam artist or an amazing actor. He decided, "Hey, if I don't let anyone hold me except Mom, and if I don't learn to walk or talk, or potty in a timely fashion, then I can start to make these doofuses think that I am autistic!" I bet that it would be a trip.
See what I mean??? If it wasn't for this teacher that we have had this year, then I would have gone through the rest of my life trying to help him cope with things that weren't even really there. I can't imagine what that would've been like!
I just have to close by saying that I feel so blessed to have had a teacher with 22 YEARS of teaching experience that could tell me the my son has been playing me the fool for the last 9 years. She knew this but 6 speech therapists, 7 pediatricians, a neurologist, 4 occupational therapists, 3 psychologists, countless parents of other Asperger Syndrome/ Autistic children, a HUGE family(some of which being pediatric nurses...), and we parents were just played the fool. WOW!!!
You know, I bet the rest of the parents fell for this is because all of their kids are just acting too. I bet that there really isn't an increase in the amount of children being born on the autistic spectrum. I bet that all that is going on is there in an increase of brilliant natural actors being born to populate the world.
On that note, I better go. I think that I maybe should contact the CDC and let them in on what is going on. I am sure that she won't mind if I pass along her name and contact info. I bet that she will be winning the Nobel Peace Prize this year! Wow! And just to think!!! Wow! What a BRILLIANT mind!!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Ben jokes
knock knock
who's there
20 sponge bobs
20 sponge bobs who
A blonde goes into the store. He started hitting himself in the head with a bowling ball until he was a redhead. So he went to the doctor, and the doctor said he doesn't operate on blondes.
Ben: A redneck goes to tryout for basketball, and he gets the ball and he throws it and it goes really high and then it goes into space catches on fire and comes back down and sets his hands on fire so then he stuck his hands in the pool but the pool caught fire because it had oil in it so then he caught on fire....
DAD: Does this have a punch line?
Ben: ...yes, so then the grass catches on fire and he picks up the basketball and his hands catch on fire.
who's there
20 sponge bobs
20 sponge bobs who
A blonde goes into the store. He started hitting himself in the head with a bowling ball until he was a redhead. So he went to the doctor, and the doctor said he doesn't operate on blondes.
Ben: A redneck goes to tryout for basketball, and he gets the ball and he throws it and it goes really high and then it goes into space catches on fire and comes back down and sets his hands on fire so then he stuck his hands in the pool but the pool caught fire because it had oil in it so then he caught on fire....
DAD: Does this have a punch line?
Ben: ...yes, so then the grass catches on fire and he picks up the basketball and his hands catch on fire.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Funny girl
This just keeps getting better and better every time that I am getting hear it. I thought that I would share and let the world know that Ben is not the only comodian in the family....
Friday, April 4, 2008
I just wanted to pass along to everyone that Ozzy the girl has passed away and we (as in I) held a very small private ceremony this morning at about 1 AM. I guess that girl just wasn't up to snuff for living in the Keys' household. RIP Ozzy the girl. I am sure that you have your butterfly wings somewhere over the rainbow. You will live on in our memories.
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