Wednesday, November 12, 2008
All I can say is thank God!!!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I am sick of tolerance
Rant over for the moment.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Home at last...
Friday, June 6, 2008
Events of Thursday June 5th

This took place after a very emotional elementary school graduation. Chris has been very lucky to be with just a great group of kids since he began school at Creekside in first grade. Most of these kids will be attending the same middle school with him in the fall. A couple of them will be separated until they get to high school. I will miss being with those kids. It has been alot of fun and they are just an extremely good group of kids. We have been so lucky with him, at least up to this point. I just hope that they can keep the kind of love that they really seem to have for each other over the remaining 7 years that these kids have had for the last 6.

Thursday, June 5, 2008
The weather according to Lucie
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Ben Joke
May I have a sip of you?
What's a one legged bird called?
A unibird.
What do you call a square in an octagon?
A squoctagon.
What does ketchup say to french (or freedom) fries?
Will you dip in me?
He's on a role today!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I have days that I feel like this.

There is also a karate class that has just opened here in town for just AS and HFA kiddos. WE are going to check that out on Friday to see how it goes. Another one of my friends has taken her son there, and she just gushed about how great it was on her first visit. I am really anxious to get there and try it out. Maybe things are looking up for him for this next year coming up, I sure hope so!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Occupational Therapy day

I could have kicked myself, as I could have had an awesome shot of Air Force One as it landed. The camera was right beside me...UGH!!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Who is this boy's idle???
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Proud mama
I wasn't paying attention for a few moments as was contemplating how long to let this continue, and when I was going to feel well enough to say it was time to go. The next thing I knew I look up and notice that son #3 is beaming because son #2 has decided to play tag with the group and somehow son #3 has tagged #2 and he is chasing all of these kids. I felt so proud for just that moment. Knowing that there is no way that this could just be coincidence and that sometimes there is justice in the world. I would never expect to hear my son say that he did this for any reason other than he just decided that he wanted to play, but I just hope that he knows how proud I am of him at times.
MY Economic Stimulas Plan...

I am thinking that these three are really cute, I could farm them out to work, and just sit back and collect the dough!!! Sigh.... back to spring cleaning... with this "help" I am liable to never get finished!!!
Friday, May 16, 2008
For Sato's sake
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thrift Shopping

And he says, "These are better than Napolean Dynomite's boots. I have to have them, and only 4 bucks. What a steal!!!"
The amazing part? I have actually already had one of his friends call and ask where we found them because he just had to have a pair. They are too funny....
Friday, May 9, 2008
You're welcome
Nap time 3

Houston and Sato!!!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
dinner time
Nap time part 2
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
cat is playing???
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
The scariest bug ever
We got a good report from the vet this morning. A little antibiotic for little Sato, and he is deworming him again. He said we could never over do it with the little girls in the house. Ben was a little disturbed when we went to check out because I told him that it would be around a hundred dollars, and he only charged us for the antibiotic so it was more like 35. He stood and started to argue that it was supposed to be 100, but I got it under control pretty quickly. He is starting to really show an annoyance with numbers being off, times and such too. I guess that it could be worse. We just find it funny.
We go to Our Children's House tommorrow morning for another eval for Occupational Therapy. He is really excited to see everyone again, and I look forward to having that other positive place back into his life. He loves it there, and has been missing everyone. Then we are going to an exciting lunch at McDonalds to meet with "Grandma", so the girls are excited over that.
Sorry, no good jokes tonight, and Darth Tater stole my good pic for today. I hope that everyone is well.
Monday, April 28, 2008
prom night

boy with kitten

Friday, April 25, 2008
Picking a kitten

These three...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Answer according to the MAGIC eight ball....

Friday, April 18, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Home-School, The Final Frontier
In light of my most recent decision to withdraw my son, Ben, from his school, I have decided that today we should start developing names for my new "private school" that I am opening!
You may submit any suggestions (all two of you whom read this blog), and they will be considered. Once we come to a conclusion on a name, then we will be deciding on a t-shirt design since I have my own artist...
Some ideas that have come up already....
1. N.B.A. Elementary (No B*#%@! Allowed)
2. Academy of Respect Ben
3. St. Momma's School of Fun Stuff
4. Freedom Academy
5. Stika It Where the Sun Don't Shine Academy
6. Ben U
Yes, our ideas are pretty lame, so I guess that we need some suggestions. It is not every day that you actually get to name your own school... I think that Ben will help me work on that today... can you consider that educational at all???
Monday, April 14, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Let's come up with a caption

What is Louis Tarmichael, uh.. I mean Mr. Turd saying to our dear friend Sue Young?
A. "I really like those earrings, I can see my reflection in them."
B. "I thought that I was never going to make it through your caterwauling so that I could eat!!!"
C. "Your music was pretty good, but SNAP this food is DA BOMB!!!"
D. "Nice spread here, but you may want to get some food out for the rest of the folks here."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
A new hope
Life lesson from Sadie...


I don't know why I haven't had him in movies for years now. I am sure that he was acting when he was 18 months old and I took him out to eat just to have him cry inconsolably and climb under the table and be so distraught that he couldn't even eat pizza. I could see why any child would want to go somewhere fun like say Six Flags and ACT like they are caught up watching a ride so much that they get left by their whole family including 2 grandparents. After all it is alot of fun to spend so much of your time in the movie or the amusement park zoning out or jumping up and down or with a "headache". We should all follow his lead.
Amazingly he has also been lying to me about what is going on at school. I am sure that he has been lying and making excuses for years too. I mean he does it so much to help me. Just like if I were to try to say that you do not look fat in that dress. Ben would interject with "Well, actually, you look morbidly obese." No little white lies to keep from hurting someone's feelings, but he can come up with extravagant lies to tell me. It is absolutely amazing!!! Never mind he can't just sit down and have imaginative play time. I am sure that he does that every time that I leave the room anyway. Because you know, he is really bright. So I think that I have it figured out now!!!
When Ben was born, he knew about autism. He knew that his lot in life was either to be a lying scam artist or an amazing actor. He decided, "Hey, if I don't let anyone hold me except Mom, and if I don't learn to walk or talk, or potty in a timely fashion, then I can start to make these doofuses think that I am autistic!" I bet that it would be a trip.
See what I mean??? If it wasn't for this teacher that we have had this year, then I would have gone through the rest of my life trying to help him cope with things that weren't even really there. I can't imagine what that would've been like!
I just have to close by saying that I feel so blessed to have had a teacher with 22 YEARS of teaching experience that could tell me the my son has been playing me the fool for the last 9 years. She knew this but 6 speech therapists, 7 pediatricians, a neurologist, 4 occupational therapists, 3 psychologists, countless parents of other Asperger Syndrome/ Autistic children, a HUGE family(some of which being pediatric nurses...), and we parents were just played the fool. WOW!!!
You know, I bet the rest of the parents fell for this is because all of their kids are just acting too. I bet that there really isn't an increase in the amount of children being born on the autistic spectrum. I bet that all that is going on is there in an increase of brilliant natural actors being born to populate the world.
On that note, I better go. I think that I maybe should contact the CDC and let them in on what is going on. I am sure that she won't mind if I pass along her name and contact info. I bet that she will be winning the Nobel Peace Prize this year! Wow! And just to think!!! Wow! What a BRILLIANT mind!!!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Ben jokes
who's there
20 sponge bobs
20 sponge bobs who
A blonde goes into the store. He started hitting himself in the head with a bowling ball until he was a redhead. So he went to the doctor, and the doctor said he doesn't operate on blondes.
Ben: A redneck goes to tryout for basketball, and he gets the ball and he throws it and it goes really high and then it goes into space catches on fire and comes back down and sets his hands on fire so then he stuck his hands in the pool but the pool caught fire because it had oil in it so then he caught on fire....
DAD: Does this have a punch line?
Ben: ...yes, so then the grass catches on fire and he picks up the basketball and his hands catch on fire.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Funny girl
Friday, April 4, 2008
Monday, March 31, 2008
Rainbow Connection
I have much more kid stuff to post from this weekend, but I had to at least get this up before we have to run to my brother's guitar recital. Life is so precious. Note the sounds of the red menace as the backing vocals. Ahhh, the sounds of peace.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Two jokes tonite
A platypus
What did the tot say to the parallelogram?
Nothing tots and parallelograms don't talk.
I am about to die laughing!!!!
New goals

I think that this may even be goal that the HUSBAND and I can achieve. Even if he doesn't get any more raises. (Assuming that the IN-LAWS don't mind us putting it on their property...)
How can you be in a bad mood when you get to look at this all day? The only way it gets better is if it look like this....
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Hams for the camera

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Ben joke #1
Why did the chicken throw the clock out the window?
Because it was 2:30!
Update on new pet
New pet?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
If only life could be this simple all of the time...
It would be so nice if we all could just be this happy!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Easter egg dying shin dig...

Easter condoms anybody???
Lunch conversation
Ben "I am going to shoot you."
Andrew "you can't"
Ben "Uh Huh." as he points his finger...
Andrew "It's not loaded..."
Ben points again
"You didn't turn the safety off."
Point, then "You missed"
"It must be locked up."
"You're shooting blanks"
"I'm wearing body armor."
Ben smiles and excitedly says... "Not on your head!"
On that note I just had to stick my two cents in... "No way that it would penetrate, he is way too hardheaded."
Thursday, March 20, 2008
spring break fun part duex...

Nancy the Terrorist Cat